Steps To Buying A New Home
What Are Your Needs?
What are things that are important to you for your house to have? A pool, two car garage, low maintenance, energy efficient. Any of these things could be important to you and your family.
Getting Qualified
It is important to see how much you can afford and what your budget is for your home, this will also determine how much your monthly payment will be.

Start A Contract
Once you have understood your needs and have chosen a plan that works for you and your family, your next step is to start a contract. This will let you see the costs and expenses of land and time frame till the closing date.
Start Building
Finally time to build! This step will be the building specifically to the things that you have requested in your plan. You will see your dream come true in this step so enjoy it!
Learn About Warranty & Maintenence
To make sure everything in your home is correct and functioning well, a walk has to be done. In this step you can point out things that may concern you to fix or to change.
After all these steps everything is ready and it is time to sign! We will provide you with all the paper work you need when it comes to warranty, mortgage and any other documents you might need.
Our Expertise
Estimating & Budgeting
Floor Planning
Quality Control
Safety Management
Subcontractor Management
Certificate of Occupancy
As-built documentation
Warranty Documentation
Mortgage Documentation